stack implementation in cpp

 Stack In C++


Stack is a type of a linear data structure which follows a particular order to store data for specific use. Stack follows LIFO(Last In First Out) or FILO(First In Last Out).

Real Life Examples of Stack:

1.Stack of plates:

In the above mention picture there is a stack of plates like the computer stack it follows LIFO or FILO like if I want to take a plate then I can take only upper plate this same concept follows in stack we can just access top element of a stack.

Operations on stack:


    push operation used to enter the element at the top of stack.


    pop operation used to remove the top element form the stack and it return that element.


    IsFull operation used to check the stack is full or not .If stack is full then this condition known as the overflow.


    IsEmpty function used to check is stack is empty or not. If stack is empty then this condition known as the underflow.


    Peek function is used for access element form stack.


    change function used for change the element at specific position in the stack.

Implementation of stack in c++ using array:

using namespace std;
class stack{
        int top;
        int arr[5];
            for(int i=0;i<5;i++){

        bool IsEmpty(){
                return true;
                return false;

        bool IsFull(){
                return true;
                return false;

        void push(int val){
                cout<<"can't Push, stack overflow"<<endl;

        int pop(){
                cout<<"stack underflow"<<endl;
                return 0;
                int popval=arr[top];
                return popval



        int count(){
            return top+1;

        int peek(int pos){
                cout<<"stack underflow"<<endl;
                return 0;
                return arr[pos];

        void change(int posint val){
            cout<<"value has been changed"<<endl;


        void display(){
            cout<<"stack is: "<<endl;
            for(int i=4;i>-1;i--){


int main(){
    stack s1;
    int optionposition , value;
        cout<<"8.clear screen"<<endl;

            case 1:
                cout<<"enter value for puch";
            case 2:
                cout<<"pop function is called"<<s1.pop();
            case 3:
                    cout<<"stack is Empty";
                    cout<<"not Empty";
            case 4:
                if(s1.IsFull())  {
                    cout<<"stack is full";
                    cout<<"stack is not empty you can push values";
            case 5:
                cout<<"Enter the position";
                cout<<"value at given position: "<<s1.peek(position);
            case 7:
            case 8:
                cout<<" choose a correct option";


    while (option!=0);

    return 0;

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